Realizing the great opportunity at hand, we decided to go to Dublin for Paddy's. Looking forward to this trip to Dublin and Galway I didn't even mind waking up at 3:20 in the morning to go to the airport and after wasting most of the morning due to being tired and lazy, we had a great guided walking tour around Dublin's most important monuments (including more than one pub). It was fantastic and for free. Truth be told, I forgot half of what our amazing guide said already but nevertheless it was very informative and enjoyable. After walking around the city a little bit longer and some great Irish dancing lessons, the night finished in a great hostel with pasta and a very talkative room mate (hope she doesn't read this). Awake as I was the next day, the Guinness tour in the morning was cancelled and we prepared ourselves for the national patron to arrive. The massive amount of people to see the parade was sheer overwhelming, however I could not see a lot. I hope the pictures tell you roughly what it was like.
After the parade and having lunch I and some other brave men (women!!!!) went to see the Guinness storehouse... On St. Paddy's day.... € 11 and the big question: is it worth it? The simple answer: yes. Not because you learn a lot or anything but because it was a lot of fun. Imagine Charlie and the chocolate fabric.... Only with Guinness... Yeah, that's right...
Leaving to head to a pub at 8, we were in a tired yet good mood and since everyone on the street went a little crazy, it wasn't hard to understand what this day was about. Nevertheless the night ended quite early for me thanks to 1.5h of travelling home (and being too weak to stay awake all night).
The hotel we woke up in the next morning was sheer fantastic, mainly because the beds were amazingly comfortable. Mathilde and I were then heading to Galway. Sadly some of us had to return to Bath on the Friday, but those remaining bravely continued their adventure. After having an Italian lunch and a rather long walk to our guest house, we were happy to arrive and - Spanish as I have become - took a nap. The evening started with a walk to the sea which was so great that I decided to go back there the next day early in the morning just to enjoy it a little while longer. While writing this I have just realized that we spend 3 nights in Ireland and I succeeded in spending it in three different types of accommodation (hostel, hotel, guest house). Since this paragraph only contains useless information, let me continue:
- There's a stone in Galway named after a man and this stone is 500 years old. Why would I tell you this? I don't know but the man who told me would, I guess - and hope...
- The harp on every Irish coin and on all the official documents is not the original Clàrsach (Irish harp) but a mirrored image of it.
- The original symbol is owned and copyright protected by Guinness. Shocking but interesting I think.
- Travelling with 12 girls as the only boy IS fun
- BUT 4 hours of the trip will be lost due to bathroom breaks.
- Guinness does taste better in Dublin, but that's just because we want it to. It is exactly the same as in the whole Republic of Ireland.
- Don't trust fortune tellers
- Everyone's Irish on the 17th of March
All in all, the trip worked out in a way I would never have imagined. I have seen little of Dublin and Galway and I have the feeling of having missed out on so much so that I have a strong urge to come back sometime and explore it again, but on the same time, I had the special opportunity to get to know my friends better and to spend valuable time with them. I cannot help thinking of my year abroad coming to an end soon, and even if I am not supposed to say this or even think this, it won't change the fact that this adventure has to end. However the friendships that were made here can and hopefully will last for longer and for this, I think, this holiday was brilliant. I am sorry for getting melancholic and all but there is always things worth speaking out loudly because there is always a big chance of somebody else thinking exactly like you.
Not wanting to end the blog on such a thoughtful paragraph: here are
some of the amazing and embarrassing photos of mine. Enjoy!
All 13 of us in one picture, can you believe it? |
I'll update the photos as soon as I get the other ones... Hope you're having a great time and see you all soon, cheers!
Um 3:20 aufwachen um zum Flughafen zu fahren ist nicht jedermanns Sache, und es ist sicherlich nicht meine erste Wahl, aber was tut man nicht alles um St. Patrick's Day in Irland zu verbringen? Nachdem wir den größten Teil des Morgens verstreichen ließen. Nach einem leckeren Mittagessen nahmen wir dann an einer Tour teil. Zu Fuß ging es an allen wichtigen Sehenswürdigkeiten im Stadtzentrum vorbei wo wir anhielten und unser Stadtführer uns etwas von der Geschichte Irlands erzählte. Lustigerweise waren bei diesen Sehenswürdigkeiten auch Pubs am Start. Da ich zu faul bin den Rest zu übersetzen werde ich einfach was anderes schreiben, diejenigen unter euch die beide Sprachen verstehen erhalten daher also mehr Informationen (wenn auch genauso unnötig). Wir ließen den Tag ruhig ausklingen und taten nicht viel außer etwas rumlaufen und ein Festival zu bestaunen. Zu guter Letzt gabs es dann Pasta im Hostel. Eigentlich wollte ich am nächsten Morgen zum Guinness Storehouse, aber Faulheit obsiegte und ich schlief länger. Wer hätte es gedacht, nicht wahr? Der St. Patrick's Day Umzug war sehr cool, auch wenn ich nicht viel gesehen habe. Die Menschenmassen waren überwältigend... Schaut euch einfach die Bilder im Englischen Artikel an, und lasst euch überwältigen!
Nach dem Umzug und dem Mittagessen ging es dann für mich und einige junge Damen zum Guinness Storehouse. 11€ hat der Spaß gekostet, aber ich denke das war es wert. Es ist nicht wirklich eine Brauereibesichtigung wie man sie erwartet, sondern eher eine Mischung aus Museum und Kneipe/Pub.. Schwierig zu beschreiben, aber es war spaßig. Um 8 ging es dann von Guinness auf zur Partymeile. Es war fast schon beängstigend wie verrückt die Leute waren, und wie viele es waren... Aber sehr lustig. Nach einer Nacht mit viel zu gutem Schlaf für unterwegs ging es dann nach Galway. Leider waren wir dann etwas dezimiert, da einige meiner Freunde zurück nach Bath mussten (Uni lässt niemanden so richtig los schätze ich).
Galway lässt sich für mich in wenigen Worten zusammenfassen. Es ist eine kleine Stadt, mit viel Wasser - es ist schlichtweg ein Traum. Die Foto's beschreiben recht schön was da so los war. Aber nicht nur das sondern die Pubs sind auch recht beeindruckend. Es gibt quasi zwei Straßen die einfach nur voller Pubs sind. Und wieder: So viele Menschen. Irland ist faszinierend was das angeht, und ich bin sehr froh das erlebt zu haben.
Die unnützen Informationen und den letzten richtigen Paragraphen mag ich nicht übersetzen. Ich hoffe das ist kein zu großes Problem. Jetzt geht es erstmal ein wenig an Mathe und dann hoffentlich ins Fitnessstudio noch, und ich werde mich hoffentlich sehr bald wieder mit lustigen Informationen melden können. Bis dahin: Macht es gut und bis bald
really happy you did this page!!(i will do more or less the same to tell this trip to my family now...)thank you very much!!!!!
bin gespannt auf die lustigen Informationen :-) liebe Grüße
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