So, Chris finally found a place to live for the next year.
I did not see anything of the house but the front yet. This didn't really suit me at first, since the place could be a real dump. Nevertheless I am excited and I'm sure it's beautiful.
Thanks to facebook I've at least seen the pictures of my room mates and chatted a bit with some of them. Can't wait to meet them in person, they seem like a lot of fun. Since I was in Scotland for a week, I was not able to solve all the banking and insurance issues last week, but tonight that'll be done, I'm sure.
Everything that's left to do in Germany now, is to pack my bags, decide if I'll go by car or by plane, clean up and clear out my room. And of cause say goodbye for 4 months. I plan on being back in Germany for Christmas only.
I am really happy about the fact that it is made easy to study abroad by pretty much every firm. E.g. o2 offered me to freeze the contract for whatever time I wanted for only 25€. That means instead of paying 180€, I'm saving 155€, thanks to the consideration of them. Thumbs up for that!
I'll report on anything new